Make 2018 the year you take care of you… I know many of you will be thinking that this is simply not possible, but I assure you it is and not only is it possible, but it is essential, read on to find out why.
I think it is fair to say that most of us are pretty busy, with building a career, running a business, taking care of our loved ones, family and friends. As a result, we sometimes get missed out, because there is just not enough time in the day to do everything and we can wait, so long as everyone else is OK, our needs can be put on hold, or maybe it is a case that they have to be put on hold?
What happens then is that we become tired, unhealthy, we get ill, we struggle to do everything, we lack energy, can become sad, or grumpy and quite frankly life becomes a struggle and our well-being is out the window along with our #LIFEworkbalance.
People I work with have this problem and I imagine you might too, or know someone who does? I know in the past I have certainly been guilty of this, luckily now I have an increased awareness and can catch it if I sense it is creeping back in.
So what has changed, how have I managed to create this elusive extra time, whilst growing my business and maintaining my relationships? It is quite simple really, I have made my needs a priority, I make sure I take time for me on a regular basis, whether that is a relaxing bath, a walk on the beach, going to yoga or for a swim, mediating, socialising or simply watching TV, I recognise how important this is and I make sure it happens, I take care of me.
I imagine some of you reading this may be thinking, that is OK for you to say, but I have all of these people to look after and my career or business also take up a lot of my time, making sure my clients are happy means I can put food on the table and look after those around me.
Those are all real things, things which make taking care of ourselves that little bit harder and easy to ignore, I totally understand and like I say I have been there myself. However, I would like you to consider this, is taking care of everyone around you easy when you are tired and exhausted? How productive are you when you haven’t had time to take care of you? How clearly can you think and make decisions? How focused are you? How happy are you? And the big one, what are you like to be around?
Now have a think about all of those same questions, but when you have had time for you? Time to rest and recharge? What kind of person do you become? How effective are you in your work?
Personally I find that the more time and effort I put into taking care of me, the happier, healthier, more focused and more effective I am, my relationships benefit, my business and clients benefit and people around me notice! Clients who I work with also say the same once they start to allow themselves to take some time for them.
I would love to challenge you to try this for yourself and let me know how you get on. Maybe commit to a period of time where you are a priority, this will be different for everyone, so find something which works for you, and then review it, you may be surprised!
If you feel like you would like some help, do please get in touch for an informal, no obligation chat, or maybe even book yourself an introductory session, 30 minutes of your time could just change your life! I would love support you on the first step of your journey to a full, happy and healthy life, you deserve it!
Until next time,