
Spring has arrived, the sun is shining and flowers are in bloom.  I for one find this time of year filled with joy, hope and excitement, the sun is warmer, the days are brighter and I feel really motivated to make the most of this time.  I just love to be out in the fresh air enjoying the sights, smells and sounds.  I feel so lucky to be able to watch the seasons change and people seem to blossom with it.

I always have plans and goals I am working towards, I love to learn and stretch myself, learning a new skill or gaining new knowledge.  In fact I am now coming to the end of my degree, something I started before I set up my business.  However, my goal for the spring and summer this year, is to celebrate this achievement and enjoy some time out.

Goals do not always have to be business or career focused, that is so important to remember.  In fact a lot of my clients struggle to take time out, to step away from their work or their business, does that sound familiar?  Do you find yourself working late in the office, or bringing work home and working late into the night?  Tiring isn’t it… does it mean you have lost your spring in your step?

I always talk about #LIFEworkbalance, it is so important and it is so easily swept aside and forgotten about, but when people really open up, that is what they are craving, some time out for ‘me’, time to reconnect with the little things that make them happy.  Whether that be simply reading a book, getting some exercise, spending time with friends or just doing nothing.

The brilliant thing is that, when we do make time for us, afterwards we are more energised, able to think clearer and once we have addressed that balance and are feeling nourished and revitalised, we  are actually much happier and much more productive so our whole life benefits.

If this sounds familiar to you, is this spring an opportunity for you to work on addressing this?  Could you commit to taking some more time out for you?  Is it time to reclaim that part of your life which will put your spring back in your step?

I would love to challenge you to commit to doing one thing each week which will take you closer to finding that spring back in your step, don’t’ forget to let me know how you get on!

If you feel like you would like some help, do please get in touch for an informal, no obligation chat, or maybe even book yourself an introductory session, 30 minutes of your time could just change your life!