Yesterday I posted on my private social media about something very personal to me and I got such a reaction I wanted to make it into a blog for a couple of reasons; firstly it makes me who I am, secondly it makes me the coach I am today, and it might just inspire people too, so here goes, this is my original post…
‘Cheers to me! And before you read on, this is not a woe is me post, that’s not what I’m about, it’s more of a wow is me and I hope it inspires others too!
Today marked 25yrs since my life changed forever, since the person who gave birth to me, who never treated me very nicely, decided to kick me out of home and never speak to me again…
I’ve no idea why and I’ve accepted I never will. The decision she made that day has shaped my life. There have been many other traumatic experiences which many of you will know about, challenges some people never will never face, ones I’ve often had to face alone. It’s taught me to be strong and resilient, as well as having a gentleness and empathy which can never be taught…
Most people will have no idea how it feels, and for that I am grateful, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, however not being understood, is also very challenging at times, but I understand that too. My experiences led me to my degree, studying, society, behaviours and childhood trauma, looking to find some deeper level of understanding…
My experiences have also led me to my career, alongside my training, and make me very good at what I do, in both my private practice and my social enterprise, it means I can support others in a way they’ve never been supported before and for that I am grateful. I’d not have chosen this to happen to me, but I make it my mission to turn it into a positive, for me, for those I support in my work and for those I can reach by raising awareness.
This kind of trauma never goes away, but it is something we can learn to live with, to find ways to over come, even this week I discovered something where she still tries to hurt me, to twist the knife one more time, I have no idea what motivates her, but I sure know what motivates me and that is to be the best person I can be, to be the happiest I can be and to support others to do the same!
So again I’ll say cheers to me! And for those going through tough stuff right now, things do get better, things do improve and you do deserve to be happy, and that seems unachievable right now, then do reach out for support in whatever way works for you.’
If this resonated with you the way it resonated with people when I first posted and you are wondering if coaching could help, please do not hesitate to get in touch and we can have chat, I work with many people who have experienced childhood trauma and helped them to find happiness again.
Until next time,
Emma is one of the most beautiful souls I know. Thank you Emma for sharing your life.
Cheers to US! 🥰