
If you have been following me for a while, you may know that in March 2020 I was about to be brave and follow my dreams of travelling the world while running my business, it was something I had worked towards for a long time and I finally took the plunge and booked my flights, rented out my house, sold my car, stored my stuff, said my goodbyes and… well we all know what happened!  A world pandemic grounded me…

However, four and a half years later, in which time I have gained a Masters in Psychology and graduate membership of the British Psychological Society, along with becoming a Master Certified Coach Credential (MCC) with the International Coach Federation (ICF), I am off again, I am returning to plan A!

So in three weeks time, I am off, embarking on an adventure, I will take some time out first of all, let’s face it, it has been quite a hectic few years, then I will resume seeing clients as I travel, I have always planned my business this way and worked remotely long before we knew the word covid!  This was always my dream and now for a second time, I am planning my departure.

I don’t know if I will be gone for a few months, few years or forever, I just know it is something I need to explore, because if I don’t I think I will end up with regrets and no body likes to have regrets… I always believe we regret the things we didn’t do, the things we didn’t fully commit to or give our all to… and anything else is simply a learning opportunity.

Am I nervous?  Yes of course I am, I am only human!  However, we cannot be brave if we don’t feel nervous, so yes, I feel nervous and I also feel like I am doing something brave and courageous!  One thing I have learnt over the years is that nothing is guaranteed in life, we never know how long we have got and we need to embrace opportunities as they come, no matter how scary they may feel!

Do I know how it will turn out?  No, and I embrace that, I embrace the unknown, I embrace the thought it may not be as I expect and I may be back in a few months time, I am also open to the fact it may be better than I could have ever dreamt of and I may never be back, or it may be something in between.

I love travel and exploring new cultures and seeing new things, meeting new people and being open to whatever may come, because to me that is living, it makes me feel alive, for however long or short the trip may be, it’ll be exactly as it is meant to be.

I designed my business to bring me freedom, to open up opportunities and I hope by doing as I always do and living authentically, that my clients will also embrace this as a positive thing, as something to inspire them to follow their own dreams whatever they may be, because we are all different and our dreams, wishes and hopes for the future are also different.  The only thing which will change for my amazing clients, is that if we video call, my background will be a little different each time, it is as simple as that, nothing else will change.

So, I am off, for a short time or a long time remains to be seen…  the only thing I do know is that it is something I am so deeply called to do, and I am following that calling.

First stop is India, I will also be exploring South East Asia, some places I have been before, some will be brand new, I will be catching up with friends I have collected on previous travels, whilst also collecting some new ones and creating a whole load of memories along the way.

And after my initial little break, which includes a 10 day silent retreat, yes I know, how will I cope!  I will be resuming coaching my amazing clients and taking on new ones as I go…

I will be keeping in touch with regular emails, and social media, so we will be able to keep in touch and you will be able to follow my journey if you would like to.

Until next time,

Keep smiling,

Emma x