Yes, I am going there… that place we don’t like to go, because we aren’t sure what we might find, particularly us Brits… Emotions! Society tells us from a very young age; which emotions are acceptable, appropriate and therefore good emotions… and equally which are not acceptable or appropriate and…
This is a big question… and many of us would like to say yes, however, if we really stop to think about it, too often something will stop us and we will politely decline, does this sound familiar? What happens when you politely decline? Even writing about it now, I…
What is childhood trauma? Childhood trauma can take many forms; whether it be a significant loss, neglect of some kind, bullying, violence, witnessing violence, mental, emotional or physical abuse of any kind, or witnessing abuse of some kind, the sad thing is, this list is by no means exhaustive. Now…

I have been thinking about writing this for a while, but it is a tough subject and up until now I wasn’t quite ready. Grief comes in many forms and it hits people in all different ways. I know a lot about this subject; unfortunately I have experienced a lot of…

I am aware that exam season is upon us and this brings back many memories, whether it be GCSE’s, A-Levels, Professional Qualifications or my recent OU degree, the pressures, stresses and anxieties which surround study and exams are the same. I don’t know about you or your loved ones, but…

A lot of the time I hear people say, ‘I can’t do that because …’ and here you can insert any of the many reasons it could go wrong. This is something which also comes up a lot when I am working with my clients. If we are honest with…
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I bumble through life thinking that I am in my own little bubble and no one really notices? Maybe this is because I don’t have close family, so I don’t get the regular recognition or encouragement I hear other people get from their…
I was recently working with a client, when they said that since working with me, they had saved at least £20k in their business. Sounds extreme, but it is true. How did this happen? I am not magic by any means and I cannot promise to save you £20k in…

This is something I hear a lot when coaching my clients. We all go through times when things feel tough, we feel lost, and we feel like we have lost our sense of self, our spring in our step, our sparkle, or our mojo or a sparkle, whatever it means…