As life beings to open up a little more and we embark into the ‘new normal’ many of us are feeling a whole host of emotions, and some of us have developed something we have never felt or experienced before, social anxiety. We are living in anxious and stressful times…
So, you’re interested in coaching and want to know if I’m the right coach for you. Here is a little bit more about me, my experiences and not only why I do what I do, but why I might be the right coach for you. My experiences gave me the…

I have been thinking a lot recently about my wish for the world, but also my message and gift to the world and with some of the things we are seeing and experiencing right now, I feel it is a good time to share this. I know I am doing…
We are currently in a situation we have never found ourselves in before, which means, for many of us we are feeling things we have never felt before. I know this from my own experience, from working with my amazing clients, chatting with friends and what I see on social…
This blog follows on from a recent video I posted about my observations from social media and the reality I am noticing from my own experiences, but also from speaking to friends and clients. There is a lot of social pressure at the moment to do great things during lock…
What is your dream? I like to ask this question, because everyone is different and all dreams, however big or small are really important. I have always had the same dream; the main one is to live a life where I am happy, simple really! Another part of that is…
When it comes to this time of year we often take a moment to reflect on the year gone by, but when a new decade is looming, I feel that period of reflection is greater. Reflection is a great way to explore what we like and don’t like, what we…
I’m writing this blog, because so often I hear people saying that they don’t feel good enough and as it has been #mentalhealthawarenessday this week, I think now is a good time to talk about it. But firstly, I want you to think about the following questions… What does being…
Yes, I am going there… that place we don’t like to go, because we aren’t sure what we might find, particularly us Brits… Emotions! Society tells us from a very young age; which emotions are acceptable, appropriate and therefore good emotions… and equally which are not acceptable or appropriate and…
This is a big question… and many of us would like to say yes, however, if we really stop to think about it, too often something will stop us and we will politely decline, does this sound familiar? What happens when you politely decline? Even writing about it now, I…